
Aura photography has its origins in Kirlian photography, which was created by the Russian scientist, Semyon Kirlian, in 1939. Kirlian and his wife, Valentina, accidentally discovered that if an object is placed onto a photographic plate that is connected to a high-voltage source, an image of that object, surrounded by a mysterious energy, is produced on the photographic plate. In the early 1980s, Dr. Guy Coggins invented the first aura camera.

What is it?

Every living human has an energy field around them. We radiate a very low level of electricity that is otherwise known as an electromagnetic field. Other living things such as trees, flowers, animals, and crystals also have an energy field.

Ancient systems of medicine, such as Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, believe that this energy is expressed in seven layers (chakras). Each layer is said to correlate to a different element of your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. It’s thought that these layers can interact with one another to influence your overall health. One way to think of auras is as the energy that someone around you emits. Some people make you nervous; others relax you. This, in some ways, could be seen as a reaction to the energy they radiate.

How Does It Work?

The hand is placed onto a sensor that is connected to a computer. The sensor measures electro-dermal activity along the meridian points of the hand which is then converted to produce a digital image. The aura camera is an interactive multimedia biofeedback system.

Aura photography records the electromagnetic energy that emanates from a person’s body and translates those readings into a colorful, visual display. An aura image can tell many things about your energy based on the colors and where they’re located.

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