March 23, 2022

Loves Inner Freedom

Love never fails.  True unconditional love from within is the only thing one can be addicted to and still experience greater and greater realization of freedom, because you are expanding in your individual choices in love, in that total freedom of self of all that is, was, and ever shall be.

So, in order to attract more love into your life and receive those that fully accept you for who you are, you must fully accept those that do not fully accept you for who you are. What?

This does not mean you must stay interacting with them in your daily life, however (unless they are a household family member of course).  It just means you accept what is to maintain your inner peace even when they do not accept you.  It means you respect that this is their decision even if you do not like their choice about you.

In order to accomplish this, first, you must fully accept yourself in all ways knowing you are not good bad right or wrong, inferior or superior; only just the way you are, not judged.

Of course this is mainly a gradual process over the course of our life.  Many times we help each other accept each other to accept ourselves by mirroring mutual admiration for one another which is a beautiful uplifting process as we grow into our personal acceptance of self.

But if one depends on another’s approval to maintain their self-esteem, that’s when unhealthy addiction, dependence on another, energy vampires and the approval game fogs autonomy and self-determination efforts, where that person can either be drained or manipulated like a puppet by the one they seek approval from.

When you do not accept those fully for who they are that do not approve of you (see things exactly as they are without judging them or you as right, wrong, good, bad, superior, or inferior); the resistance to this, keeps attracting more that do not accept you fully for who you are.  Remember, what you resist, persists.

Also when you are not accepting yourself fully for who you are, desiring to get approval outside of yourself, you will keep drawing those that do not accept themselves at the same level as yourself, that desire approval outside of themselves also.  Then there becomes a struggle for each to get the other to accept the other more than they accept themselves which goes in circles and can reach an impasse of turning into addiction, or stalking, if one of them wants out, and the other will not accept it.

That’s why unconditional love is unconditional.  It means you love and accept another unconditionally whether they accept you or not; where you still honor each to feel free to choose your own decisions whether approved by the other or not.

So it is not a loss when someone does not accept us, (feeling temporarily disappointed of course, is natural) because love is always present with us, and for us, in a very personal way, yet for them, also.

So, in the context of un-conditional love, you have not rejected them (if you have, and become vindictive or revengeful, look at this) even if they have rejected you, and, because you have not rejected yourself hinging on their lost approval of you, all is well, as you are not rejected within yourself.  Your inner peace is maintained.  Your inner power still flows.

After exchanging gifts of what you both realize from the interactions, you both now move on, but each in your own directions without drama (at least not on your part: , you are not adding to theirs).

Then love never fails to attract to your life more loving interactions with more people like you, that like and love you more and more.

Again, Love never fails.  True unconditional love from within is the only thing one can be addicted to and still experience greater and greater realization of freedom, because you are expanding in your individual choices in love, in that total freedom of self is all that is, was, and ever shall be.

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